Punit na Langit (2023)

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Data di uscita
set 08, 2023
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Film Simili a Punit na Langit

The Frightening Night on Erlong Lake

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The Frightening Night on Erlong Lake


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A caccia di Titti

Sylvester Cat chases Tweety Bird into busy city streets as he himself is being chased by a bulldog. All three are in an accident and taken to an animal hospital, each with a broken leg.
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A caccia di Titti


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The Octopus' Bone

The story is based on the traditional, Japanese myth of Urashima Taro; in which a fisherman is transported from the seashore into a fantastic underwater world on the back of a giant turtle.
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The Octopus' Bone


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Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja

Jagmohan Jugral kills his twin brother, Manmohan, in order to escape from Customs Officer Verma. In the chase that follows, Jagmohan also kills Verma, and a doctor, Ashok Soni. With their deaths their children, Ramesh and Seema, are orphaned and end up at an orphanage. Both get separated when Seema is adopted by a respected couple. Ramesh runs away from the orphange and is adopted by Girdharilal, a career thief. Ramesh learns all the skills of thievery from Girdharilal. Ramesh is now grown up a better career thief than Gidharilal, and Seema too has grown up. Both are on the look-out for Jugral, who is now known as a very respectable citizen.
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Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja


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The Phantom Stagecoach

A stagecoach is plagued by robberies, but it takes an undercover Wells Fargo agent to discover that a rival company is responsible.
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The Phantom Stagecoach


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A Stranger on the Stairs

Based on Ladislas Fodor's "Stranger on the Stairs". A loved triangle composed by a cynical entrepreneur, a loan manager, and a seductive secretary will lead to a criminal plot in Cuba.
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A Stranger on the Stairs


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Battle of Demons 3

When she’s jilted by her demon fiancé, a would-be bride swears revenge against her kidnappers with the help of another Oni who wants to kill the chief of the demons.
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Battle of Demons 3


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Antosha Rybkin

Before the attack on the village, captured by the Nazis, the commander decides to carry out a distraction — a concert of the front-line brigade of artists. Chef Antosha Rybkin is assigned to play the role of... a German corporal. Dressed in an enemy uniform, he gets to the rear of the enemy and helps his liberate the village.
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Antosha Rybkin


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The End of the Pale Hour

A young man falls in love with a woman he meets at a party, but when she leaves him, he must face some uncomfortable truths.
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The End of the Pale Hour


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Plastic Heads

The analogy likens plastic pollution to a person wearing a plastic bag on their head, illustrating how our beautiful and clean surroundings are at risk due to plastic contamination. It suggests that every individual space is susceptible to this pollution. The central idea advocates acknowledging our current reality and taking initial steps to improve it, preventing the repetition of the same mistakes for future generations. The proposed solution focuses on starting with a basic action – reducing the use of plastic bags. The concept encourages individuals to recognize their role in the issue and emphasizes that by collectively making small changes, such as eliminating plastic bags, we can free ourselves from the metaphorical plastic mask covering our environment. This approach aims to create awareness and instigate a positive shift toward a cleaner and more sustainable future.
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Plastic Heads


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Sinful Intrigue

A mysterious attacker is preying on the rich and decadent set in an elite community.
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Sinful Intrigue


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Provaci ancora mamma

Una vecchia signora si indebita fino al collo per soccorrere i figlioli scapestrati. Buttata fuori di casa, la vecchietta decide di darsi alle rapine, in associazione con un venditore ambulante, ex bandito. Dopo una serie di colpi fortunati i due vengono scoperti, ma ce la faranno ugualmente a passare in auto il confine.
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Provaci ancora mamma


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Come, quando, perché

Durante un ricevimento nella sua casa di Torino, Paola, moglie del giovane e ricco industriale Marco, conosce Alberto, un amico del marito emigrato in Argentina e tornato in Italia per affari. Dopo qualche giorno Alberto rivela a Paola il suo amore ma lei lo respinge, anticipando le vacanze in Sardegna. Raggiunta anche qui da Alberto, dopo aver atteso invano l'arrivo di Marco, che intanto frequenta un'amante, un giorno cede ad Alberto e trova un nuovo motivo di felicità. Tornati a Torino i due continuano ad incontrarsi nell'appartamento di lui. Alla fine non seguirà Alberto in Argentina, ma avrà imparato a legare a sé il marito usando con lui lo stesso sistema adottato con l'amante.
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Come, quando, perché


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The Forbidden

This documentary explores assorted "forbidden" topics from all over the world. Among the subjects depicted herein are a racy TV commercial for a female martial arts school, rowdy teenagers protesting a strict curfew on the Sunset Strip, an underground lesbian club in Geneva, a portable topless bar, and various strip acts from different parts of the globe.
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The Forbidden


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Circleen - Mice & Romance

Circleen the elf girl and her comical mouse pals, Ingolf and Frederik, live under the geraniums on an artist's balcony. Their idyllic lives are interrupted when they meet the myopic Cindermouse, whose grumpy dad refuses to hold her birthday and instead locks her up in a box. Short, plump, cheese-loving Ingolf is forced to act and to show that he is a real hero.
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Circleen - Mice & Romance


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Perfect Boyfriend

Three Japanese men have fallen under the charms of high school student Rinko, a character from the video game Love Plus. The game finally leads them to the seaside resort of Atami, where the virtual world and real life collides.
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Perfect Boyfriend


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Infiltrados: Venezuela

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Infiltrados: Venezuela


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