دوا باوەش (2018)

(4) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
mar 04, 2018
00h 04m
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Love Is an Elephant

The title of the film recalls the well known story of the three blind men, who try in vain to recognize and define, by touch, an unknown object - in this case, an elephant. In a triptych of three different stories, told by three inmates of a jail, the story unfolds with sarcasm and irony regarding human actions. The heroes of the film try to tame human passions (erotically instinctive) - but, alas, they do not succeed. A situation comedy in which the nude appears in the plot where least expected.
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La talpa mangia spinaci

Popeye is planting his spinach bed. Just as he finishes, the plants start disappearing. He discovers a gopher filching the baby plants and starts battling it.
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La talpa mangia spinaci


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Perry Grant, agente di ferro

Lo spaccio di una grande quantità di dollari falsi, mette Perry Grant, agente speciale della CIA, sulle tracce di un certo Roland, italo-francese e lo conduce a Roma. Qui, salvatosi a stento da alcuni attentati, l'agente fa alcune importanti scoperte. Viene così a sapere che il capo dell'organizzazione è Aaron Yosipovic e che i dollari non sono che un mezzo per la realizzazione di un piano ben più criminale: infatti lo scienziato ambizioso e privo di scrupoli, ha attrezzato un laboratorio con, dispositivi capaci di paralizzare le apparecchiature elettriche di un'intera nazione ed è in procinto di agire ricattando il mondo intero. Ma Perry, dopo essere audacemente penetrato nei munitissimi sotterranei dello scienziato, libera gli innocenti ivi rinserrati, sgomina l'intera banda di Aaron e distrugge per sempre le pericolose attrezzature.
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Perry Grant, agente di ferro


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Rachel Corrie, a young American woman and her friends attempt to stop a bulldozer from clearing out some homes and other buildings. Corrie was run over and killed. Witnesses claim it was deliberate.
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LAND is a fluid series of formal land animation experiments based upon the imprint of landscapes in various locations and intuitive interpretations of those movements. Shot in New York, Thimble Islands Bear Island, Connecticut, Armstrong Redwoods, Sonoma County, California, Hastings, England. note* (part of the EYE Filmmuseum Permanent Collection)
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Death of Hope Part 1: Anarchy Reigns

It is the 30th millennium. Humanity is caught in the midst of a fratricidal war between those of the meta-human Space Marines who are loyal to the Emperor, and those who no longer are. The once noble warriors of the XII and XVII legions are cutting a bloody path throughout the realm of Ultramar, committing boundless atrocities out of sheer spite and hatred for their cousins belonging to the XIII legion. In this episode we gain a glimpse of the aftermath of the battle on planet Sathus, and the living nightmare taking place on a starship manned by traitorous legionaries, as they bide their time on the approach to planet Calth.
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Death of Hope Part 1: Anarchy Reigns


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