Showroom (2022)

(4,5) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
nov 11, 2022
01h 52m
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Film Simili a Showroom

Kids vs. Aliens

Tutto ciò che Gary vuole è fare dei fantastici filmini con i suoi migliori amici. La sorella maggiore Samantha vuole solo stare con i ragazzi più fighi. Quando i loro genitori vanno fuori città un fine settimana di Halloween, una festa in casa per adolescenti si trasforma in terrore quando gli alieni attaccano, costringendo i fratelli a unirsi per sopravvivere alla notte.
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Kids vs. Aliens


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Terapia mortale

Susanne, rinomata psicologa e terapista, si ritrova imprigionata in un incubo a occhi aperti quando scopre che uno dei suoi nuovi pazienti è in realtà un serial killer ricercato dalle forze dell'ordine.
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Terapia mortale


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"Pistola nera" spara senza pietà

Un ragazzo in possesso di un'ingente refurtiva e di una lista compromettente di nomi viene ucciso da due sicari. Suo fratello, per vendicarlo, ne ammazza facilmente uno ma deve penare per trovare l'altro. Riuscito a individuarlo mentre sta acquistando una grossa partita di stupefacenti, lo affronta e lo elimina.
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"Pistola nera" spara senza pietà


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A husband and wife living under impoverished conditions far into the forest. One day they get the chance to improve their lives with 3 wishes. Based on a Norwegian folk tales.
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Black Magic 2

A doctor suspects black magic on his hospital after experiencing some bizarre incidents and sends for two doctors (who are a couple) from Hong Kong. The wife is very skeptical and places volunteer for a spell. It became obvious that here is an evil wizard who stay young by including drinking human breast milk. A Shaw Brothers production.
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Black Magic 2


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Segreti di famiglia

While trying to save up for nursing school, Ana takes a remote post as a personal care worker for a wealthy woman with early onset dementia. But as she grows close to her new client, Joan, Ana becomes concerned that Joan's spoiled daughter, Carla, is trying to murder her to get her hands on her inheritance. Ana strikes up a romance with Joan's other adult child, Jason, who assures her Carla doesn't mean any harm, but Ana comes to realize he's deceiving her as well. Can Ana protect Joan, or will she get caught in the crossfire?
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Segreti di famiglia


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In a dystopian future, a mother and her teenage son go hunting in the mountains and encounter a stranger who threatens to upend their relationship.
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Two friends committed a crime and fled in different directions. Dante, one of them, sneaks into his house to hide from the police. However, after learning the truth about what happened, fear progressively consumes him until he experiences guilt in a psychedelic extreme.
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Deep Evil

Negli anni Cinquanta un virus alieno era stato rilevato sulla superficie di un meteorite precipitato nella remota Siberia. Siamo nei primi anni Duemila: un team di scienziati americani - guidati dalla dottoressa Cole - lavora in un laboratorio sotterraneo top secret in Alaska, dove esegue ricerche per sviluppare armi batteriologiche. Dopo vari tentativi, i ricercatori riescono a clonare il virus extraterrestre: tuttavia un errore causa la contaminazione aliena dell’interno laboratorio. Gli scienziati inviano un segnale d'emergenza poco prima del blocco completo della struttura, ma cosa sia successo non è chiaro. Così sul posto viene inviata una squadra di militari capitanati dal sergente Trainor: il loro compito è capire cosa sia accaduto là sotto e fermare il propagarsi del virus.
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Deep Evil


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It's a Wonderful Binge

Come il film originale, il sequel è ambientato in un futuro prossimo in cui tutti gli alcolici e le droghe sono vietati tranne che in un giorno glorioso noto come The Binge. Quest'anno, quel giorno capita miracolosamente di atterrare a Natale.
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It's a Wonderful Binge


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Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.
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Rashad manipulates his kid brother into leaving for school early on the one morning that changes the rest of their lives.
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Apollo's Daring Mission

Apollo astronauts and engineers tell the inside story of Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the moon. The U.S. space program suffered a bitter setback when Apollo 1 ended in a deadly fire during a pre-launch run-through. In disarray, and threatened by the prospect of a Soviet Union victory in the space race, NASA decided upon a radical and risky change of plan: turn Apollo 8 from an earth-orbit mission into a daring sprint to the moon while relying on untried new technologies. Fifty years after the historic mission, the Apollo 8 astronauts and engineers recount the feats of engineering that paved the way to the moon.
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Apollo's Daring Mission


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Wan mei xian zai shi

Weaving together footage filmed and broadcasted by little-known Chinese live-streaming anchors, who struggle with real-life face-to-face social interaction because of their identity, disability and social-economic status, this cinematic collage explores how individuals satisfy their cravings for human connection through virtual togetherness, and how these virtual relationships challenge standard definitions of companionship.
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Wan mei xian zai shi


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Hollow takes place 8,000 years after a nuclear apocalypse leaves the sky permanently covered in fallout. The earth, hollowed out for geothermal energy, has one last chance in a new form of power, but there are other parties who want to use the source for their own purposes...
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Arabian Nights: Volume 3, The Enchanted One

In which Scheherazade doubts that she will still be able to tell stories to please the King, given that what she has to tell weighs three thousand tonnes. She therefore escapes from the palace and travels the Kingdom in search of pleasure and enchantment. Her father, the Grand-Vizier, arranges to meet her at the Ferris wheel, and Scheherazade resumes her narration: “Auspicious King, in old shanty towns of Lisbon there was a community of bewitched men who, in all rigour and passion, dedicated themselves to teaching birds to sing…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
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Arabian Nights: Volume 3, The Enchanted One


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Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.
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The Pink Panther Story

Documentary about the creation of the Pink Panther movies including interviews with the crew and cast.
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The Pink Panther Story


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