Liberate quei bambini (1994)

(6) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
apr 05, 1994
01h 32m
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A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.
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At the very heart of a funfair stuck in time, a man goes in search of his loved one. This painful journey between joy caught under the stone and the deafening silence of solitude, will make him face the truth.
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Segundo festival de Mortadelo y Filemón

Film composed of eight animated shorts starring agents Mortadelo (Mort) and Filemón (Phil): Information Agency; The Hong Kong Vase; Against the Pison; They Get on a Plane; More Than One Thief; Escaped from Prison; Genius or not, That's the Question.
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WWE Hell in a Cell 2009

Hell in a Cell (2009) was a PPV presented by Ubisoft's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up, which took place on October 4, 2009 at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. It was the first Hell in a Cell event. Each of the main event matches were contested in a Hell in a Cell match. The main events of the evening included D-Generation X's Triple H and Shawn Michaels versus The Legacy's Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, Randy Orton challenging John Cena for the WWE Championship, and The Undertaker challenging CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Championship. Other matches featured on the show were John Morrison defending the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Dolph Ziggler, Mickie James versus Alicia Fox for the WWE Divas Championship, Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and The Big Show versus Batista and Rey Mysterio, Drew McIntyre facing R-Truth, and a Triple Threat match for the WWE United States Championship among Kofi Kingston, The Miz and Jack Swagger.
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Reece tenta di sfuggire al suo passato, segnato da una strage di cui è la sola sopravvissuta. Il destino e un guasto all'auto la portano nella cittadina di Angels Fall, dove trova un lavoro e comincia ad ambientarsi grazie allo scrittore Brody: ma i traumi la riassalgono quando assiste a un omicidio che non lascia tracce...
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La banda dei coccodrilli - Tutti per uno

Per il compleanno di Hannes, i Coccodrilli, una banda di ragazzi di quartiere, si recano a una pista di go-kart. La felicità della giornata e l’euforia per la velocità delle automobili lasciano però presto il posto allo sconforto: Frank, uno di loro, rimane vittima di un incidente e ha bisogno di un trapianto di fegato. L’unico donatore compatibile sembra essere il fratello maggiore, in prigione per un furto commesso anni prima. La banda si adopererà per escogitare una soluzione.
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Sisters In Law

A jewelry shop owner hires Ting Kuo to rob his shop for in order to scan his insurance company, but when the heist fails, he tries to get rid of him. Jacky and Mary get involved in the case. When Mary is endangered, Jacky saves her and they catch Ting Kuo, who reveals the proprietor's plot. The proprietor, who is utterly discredited, searches for Jacky and Mary for revenge...
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Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.
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Gourmet Detective: La morte è servita

Henry Ross è uno chef di primo piano e un affascinante esperto culinario molto rispettato. Maggie Price è una bella detective e madre single. Dopo aver risolto brillantemente un caso insieme, i due si ritrovano a dover fare ancora una volta squadra in seguito a un mistero che ha luogo nel resort di lusso in cui Henry è ospite per prendere parte a una conferenza e Maggie in vacanza.
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Sparta Academy is the nation's top prep school, where students with poor grades undergo frightening torture under the school headmaster's direction. Kekko Kamen makes her appearance at the school in outrageous attire, completely naked except for her red mask, boots and gloves, and attacks the torturing teacher.
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Some thirty years ago, a working-class subculture was taking grip of cities across the UK that has left a lasting legacy. This began on the back of the mod revival of the late 1970s when notorious football firms from the cities like Liverpool, Manchester and London stole expensive designer sportswear from the countries they visited. It didn’t start with the high-street giants telling these lads what to wear. Instead, they set the trends and the high-street stores caught up. As the 1980s began in Britain, under the radar the ‘casual’ had already arrived. From Barcelona to Berlin, Milan to Moscow, teenagers today are copying fashions and a culture that developed on the streets and terraces of British cities. But how did the football casual subculture come about? What did they stand for? What made them tick? Why it’s legacy is still having an impact on today’s fashion industry.
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Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.
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Beyond Re-Animator

Il folle dottor Herbert West si ritrova rinchiuso in carcere, quando il medico della prigione gli permette di rianimare un detenuto con il magico fluido verde. Naturalmente la situazione sfuggirà di mano ed il carcere si trasformerà in un carnaio di morti viventi.
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Fred è entrato a far parte di un concorso organizzato dalla NASA. Il prototipo di un cane meccanico, però, perde il controllo durante la sua presentazione scatenando il panico. La gang farà squadra con la figlia dello scienziato che ha progettato il cane e dovrà vedersela con scenzati approfittatori e tecnologie avanzate prima di arrivare alla soluzione del mistero.
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Scooby-Doo! La minaccia del cane meccanico


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Alvin Superstar - Nessuno ci può fermare

Attraverso una serie di incomprensioni, Alvin, Simon e Theodore cominciano a credere che Dave è partito alla volta di New York City per chiedere la mano alla fidanzata…lasciandoli a casa. Hanno solo tre giorni quindi per fermarlo e bloccare la proposta, così da non perdere Dave ed evitare l’acquisizione di un terribile fratellastro.
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