Snow In September (2022)

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Film Simili a Snow In September

Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud

"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.
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Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud


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The Evil Marriage

Once upon a time, in a far away, across the dark jungle, a castle in the sky, there lived a king of Evils with his evil guards. One day, one of his magicians showed the magic mirror and shows a beautiful human girl in this mirror, and told that if he wants to continue to be a king he must marry this girl. The story of "The Evil Marriage movie" revolves around the character of "Nur" (a human girl) who was kidnapped by the Evil's king guards and took her to unfamiliar world where she will have to marry the evil in order for others to live. But, there is someone who sneaks into the dark jungle to reach the evil castle and rescues her.
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The Evil Marriage


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Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson

The story of Jack Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight boxing champion.
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Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson


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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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Snow Steam Iron

“Snow gently falls on the blood-stained streets of a seedy out-of-time New York City. Steam envelopes the nightmare unfolding within its narrow alleys. Iron is the will of the one who would dare to resist… fight… survive.”
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Snow Steam Iron


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Way Back Home

Jeong-won, who forgot the past and lives a peaceful marriage, receives a phone call from the police one day. The man who sexually assaulted her has been caught and the news shakes up the couple’s life and breaks down their daily lives.
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Way Back Home


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Holiday on the Buses

Due to a female passenger falling out of her top whilst running for the bus Stan is distracted and crashes the bus resulting in the depot managers car being written off. As a result Stan, Jack and Blakey are fired. Stan and Jack soon get new jobs as a bus crew at a Pontins holiday resort but discover that Blakey has also gotten a job there as the chief security guard.
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Holiday on the Buses


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Love and the City 2

Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for another lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood.
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Love and the City 2


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Kanan Gill: Keep It Real

In this hilarious one hour comedy special, Kanan Gill squints at a variety of subjects ranging from the difficulty in talking to your parents to The Constitution of India. It's easy to keep it funny. Kanan keeps it real.
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Kanan Gill: Keep It Real


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Scherzi della natura

Fino a tre giorni prima, la cittadina di Dillford era tranquilla e, come al solito, i vampiri erano in cima all'ordine sociale, gli zombie in basso e gli esseri umani nel mezzo. Il delicato equilibrio è stato però rotto da un'apocalisse aliena che ha messo gli uomini contro zombie e vampiri e tutti in fuga dagli extraterrestri. Spetterà a tre adolescenti, ognuno appartenente a un gruppo diverso, collaborare e capire come sbarazzarsi dei visitatori interplanetari per riportare l'ordine nella cittadina.
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Scherzi della natura


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Prick Up - L'importanza di essere Joe

Nella Londra degli anni Sessanta Joe Orton (Oldman) è un drammaturgo di successo, ma la sua vita privata è un disastro. Da anni vive con Kenneth Halliwell, scrittore frustrato che in realtà è coautore non riconosciuto di tutte le sue opere. Il loro amore va avanti tra liti, recriminazioni e tradimenti finché un giorno Kenneth fracassa la testa di Joe con un martello e si suicida.
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Prick Up - L'importanza di essere Joe


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Through Main Street with an Orchestra

Vasily Muravin, 50, a teacher at the Moscow Institute of Management, is experiencing a crisis. At work, the place of the head of the department is replaced by the more pragmatic, but limited person Valentin Romanovsky. At home, his wife Lida, who earns at work more than her husband, habitually reproaches him for indecision. It’s hard for Muravin to come to terms with his established attitude to himself, but he is most worried when his wife shows disrespect for his main hobby - playing the guitar. Once, unable to bear the bullying, Muravin suddenly leaves the family (wife and daughter) and from work.
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Through Main Street with an Orchestra


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A Very Potter Sequel

Harry and his pals are back for more adventure than ever when they face off against dark wizards, demented monsters, and the most horrible woman in the world, Dolores Umbridge! So strap on your diapers because it's time to go back to Hogwarts!
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A Very Potter Sequel


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Elfette Saves Christmas

Elfette has to save the day when Santa Claus is kidnapped by the mafia, who try to take over Christmas.
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Elfette Saves Christmas


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Mother Teresa & Me

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, one of the few canonized saints of our day, is discovered through the eyes of Kavita, a young Englishwoman abandoned by her boyfriend after she’s found to be pregnant. Kavita journeys to Calcutta to escape her pain and soon discovers that even holy people like Mother Teresa have to face life’s challenges and, in fact, struggle through years of spiritual crisis known as the “dark night of the soul”. Inspired by Teresa’s example of perseverance and compassionate love, Kavita rediscovers hope and purpose.
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Mother Teresa & Me


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India Lockdown

The Indian government announces a country-wide lockdown for 21 days due to the pandemic. India Lockdown encapsulates the story of four out of lakhs of individuals whose lives came to a standstill.
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India Lockdown


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Un job en Or

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Un job en Or


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La Femme flic

Young police inspector Corinne Levasseur interrogated a dealer without the judge's consent. Following an indiscretion of her lover, the substitute Berthot, Corinne is transferred to a small town in the North who lives under the thumb of a rich industrialist and his family. He is given subaltern tasks. Intrigued by the strange death of a teenager, she stubbornly leads an investigation that allows her to trace the chain of a child prostitution network in which are mixed a notable and his son-in-law. A young investigating judge decides to investigate the case, but he is the victim of pressure ...
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La Femme flic


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Professione attacchino

Paperino e Pippo stanno mettendo dei cartelloni pubblicitari in una fattoria (cantando "Impara a fischiettar" da Biancaneve e i sette nani). Pippo si prepara ad affiggerne uno su un mulino a vento, ma i suoi attrezzi continuano a scomparire per poi riapparire sulle pale del mulino e poi Pippo rimane incollato al suo manifesto dopo che esso fa il giro del mulino a vento. Nel frattempo Paperino mette i suoi manifesti e una capra li mangia subito, Paperino combatte con la capra che si arrabbia e lo insegue fino al mulino a vento dove c'è Pippo. I due si aggrappano alle pale del mulino e la capra li spinge correndo attorno alla costruzione, impedendo loro di scendere.
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Professione attacchino


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Ken il guerriero - La leggenda di Raoul

Alla fine del 21° secolo la terra è sconvolta da un terribile conflitto nucleare che ha portato tutte le civiltà al collasso sociale ed ambientale. Le bande saccheggiano e assalgono gli insediamenti dei sopravvissuti e la legge del più forte prevale sugli innocenti e gli indifesi. L'unica speranza per assicurare la continuità della civiltà umana è l’arrivo di un nuovo salvatore.
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Ken il guerriero - La leggenda di Raoul


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Il nome del mio assassino

Aubrey, una ragazza che è stata torturata da un serial killer, quando torna a casa dall'ospedale inizia ad avere dei problemi mentali.
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Il nome del mio assassino


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John and Nicholas are 15 years old and best friends. They are both very interested in girls but feel insecure when it comes to a first sexual encounter with a woman. That's why they decide that they will get some 'practice' on each other...
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'o Re

Re Francesco II di Borbone (1836-94) e sua moglie in esilio a Roma dopo l'avanzata garibaldina. Lui stanco e sfiduciato, lei ossessionata dal desiderio di un erede e di recuperare il potere.
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[SUB ITA] - Miku è un adolescente ancora impacciato e timido, la sua è una famiglia del tutto particolare: un fratello apparentemente bullo e irresponsabile, una madre isterica, un padre affetto da narcolessia. Dopo il party, organizzato dal fratello maggiore Sebu, l'indomani i genitori di rientro in anticipo - come nelle migliori puntate di Dawson's Creek - scoprono la casa completamente distrutta e portano Miku a passare con loro qualche giorno nel cottage di campagna. Qui il ragazzo incontrerà Elias, bello e sfrontato e pienamente cosciente della sua sessualità che lo porterà a scoprire ciò che Miku faticava ad accettare.
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The Man's Secret

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, a rain prayer ceremony was organized to alleviate drought, but it was used by those with intentions to create a mysterious case of "Thousand-Headed Demon" appearing. The intelligent and extraordinary death row inmate Dugu was appointed by the Holy Emperor to investigate this case, but unexpectedly, it involved even greater conspiracies.
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The Man's Secret


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Our Town

In 1906, after finishing a tough migrant job in the Philippines, Takichi has returned to Japan. He starts to work as a rickshaw driver, but his lover had died of an illness, leaving a baby girl, Hatsue. Hatsue grows up beautifully and falls in love with Shintaro. But Takichi objects to their relationship...
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Our Town


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Il terrore di Frankenstein

La storia riprende da dove si era interrotta quella de Il figlio di Frankenstein. Ygor, miracolosamente sopravvissuto allo scontro precedente, ritrova il Mostro in una grotta, liberandolo dal blocco di zolfo dove era incastrato. Ludwig, il secondogenito di Henry Frankenstein, decide quindi di riparare all'errore del padre e di dare alla creatura un nuovo cervello. L'idea è quella di utilizzare il cervello di Fritz, primo assistente del padre e ucciso dal mostro, ma Ygor si offre volontario per potersi unire alla creatura alla quale è legato. Lo scienziato si rifiuta, ma un suo collega vuole invece farlo, convinto anche dal diabolico Ygor. Il cervello di Ygor viene così trasferito nel corpo del Mostro, e si rivela subito malvagio e inizia a commettere crimini e omicidi. Alla fine però, dopo essersi confrontato con Ludwing e Erik Ernst, il Mostro brucerà vivo nel laboratorio in fiamme.
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Il terrore di Frankenstein


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Nuestro tiempo

Una famiglia vive nella campagna messicana allevando tori da combattimento. Esther ha il compito di gestire il ranch mentre suo marito Juan, un poeta di fama mondiale, cresce e seleziona le bestie. Quando Esther si infatua di un addestratore di nome Phil, la coppia lotterà per superare l'inevitabile frattura emotiva.
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Nuestro tiempo


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