비트클럽 (2021)

(10) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
giu 28, 2021
01h 26m
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Film Simili a 비트클럽

Sister Swapping

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Sister Swapping


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Il film rievoca un presunto grande amore di Ciaikovski. Lui e la bella Lena si amano, ma la donna è sposata. Si accontenterà allora di fargli da finanziatrice. Qualche anno dopo il marito di lei muore, ma Ciaikovski non può approfittare della situazione. Muore di colera a cinquantatré anni.
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Ma, I Love You

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Bonanza: The Return

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Rape and Death of a Housewife

Three young boys drunkenly rape a woman named Emiko, the wife of a man they've developed a friendship with. She dies of heart failure during the attack. Her chicken farmer husband, incapable of dealing with her death tends to her corpse as though it were still alive completely unable to accept her demise.
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Rape and Death of a Housewife


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Heavy metal compilation featuring Motörhead (or Lemmy, Fast Eddie and Filthy Phil, as they're known to their mothers) performing an ear-shattering selection of their finest material. Includes 'Overkill' and 'Ace of Spades'. Songs: 1) Ace of Spades 2) Overkill 3) No Class 4) I Got Mine 5)Stay Clean 6) Iron Fist 7) The Chase Is Better than the Catch 8) Dead Men Tell No Tales 9) Shine 10) Capricorn 11) Poison 12) One Track Mind 13) Motörhead 14) Bomber 15) Killed by Death
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RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.
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Trama non disponibile
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Dalle 7 alle 8

When Philo Vance receives a note that harm will befall Lynn at the casino that night, he takes the threat seriously while the DA dismisses it. At the casino owned by Uncle Kinkaid, Lynn is indeed poisoned under the watchful eye of Philo. However, he recovers, but the same cannot be said for Lynn's wife Virginia, who is at the family home. Only a family member could have poisoned Lynn and Virginia and everyone has their dark motives. Philo will follow the clues and find the perpetrator.
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Dalle 7 alle 8


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Going Medieval

In this two-hour H2 special, historian and weapons expert Mike Loades goes medieval diving deep into the world of the Middle Ages. From the 5th to the 15th centuries, Mike battles the realities vs. the myths of this extraordinary time crusading for the core of real life while delivering fun-filled facts. From living, working and fighting to how to keep a knight's armor shiny using a vigorous rub of sand, vinegar and urine, Going Medieval is an expert account of life during medieval times.
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Robin Hood-Winked

Popeye is Robin Hood; he's got a sidekick, Little John. Bluto is the tax collector, and Olive is the owner/barmaid at the local pub. Bluto comes to the pub to collect taxes and falls for Olive.
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20 Mule Team

It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
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La scalata ai dollari

Skinner (Reginald Denny), un cassiere sottopagato, mente alla moglie Honey (Laura La Plante), raccontandole di aver ottenuto un aumento di stipendio. Eccitatissima, Honey compra per il marito un costoso abito elegante, ma quando egli lo indossa si trova alle prese con molteplici problemi, tra cui il licenziamento. Prima che riesca a darle la cattiva notizia, è trascinato a una festa da ballo nell’hotel in cui soggiorna uno dei suoi clienti più importanti. Alla fine della serata, Skinner con il suo vestito nuovo ha concluso un affare da mezzo milione di dollari ed è diventato socio nella sua vecchia ditta.
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La scalata ai dollari


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Topolino autista

Topolino è un buffo tassista a cui ne capitano di tutti i colori: dapprima deve trasportare un cliente enorme, poi litiga con alcuni guidatori maleducati che tentano di farlo sbandare ed infine offre un passaggio a Minnie. Anche con lei i guai non mancheranno.
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Topolino autista


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Moon over Morocco

When one of their number tries to tear away the veil from the face of a woman of Morocco, five French tourists find themselves cursed by an Arabic sorcerer to die in a specified order before the next new moon appears - and one by one, in different ways, they begin to die as predicted...
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Stelle E Tempeste

Gaston Rébuffat fa parte della storia dell'alpinismo. Prodigio marsigliese, guida di alta montagna della compagnia di guide di Chamonix e famoso per aver scalato le pareti nord più famose: alcuni sono 1° ripetitori, altri 1° francese o 1° come guida. Girato da Georges Tairraz, questo capolavoro uscito nel 1955 rivela la bellezza della fatica e il piacere della condivisione in montagna. A parte l'impresa, la montagna non è lì per soddisfare ambizioni egocentriche. Un classico !
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AURO-3D Demonstration Disc

The first Demo Disc of this Immersive 3D Sound Format on Blu-Ray. Disc has various and unique content from Movies, Music, Ambiences and Test Signals. Tracks are encoded up to AURO 13.1 Channels.
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The Planet Heroes must stop Professor Darkness from destroying the solar system.
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Smedestræde 4

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Smedestræde 4


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Valérie - Diario di una ninfomane

Valérie Tasso scopre il sesso a 15 anni. Nel momento in cui si avvicina ai trenta è affamata di sesso e non esita a definirsi ninfomane. Confida le sue pulsioni alla saggia nonna che la invita a non frustrare il desiderio ma anche a riuscire a comprendere il senso di solitudine che lei tenta di rimuovere. Dopo la morte della nonna, perso il lavoro, Valérie ne cerca uno nuovo. Incontra così Jaime, un uomo romantico che, per la prima volta, la fa sentire innamorato. Tutto procede per il meglio fino a quando...
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