Yannick - La rivincita dello spettatore (2023)

(7,254) basato su 452 voti
In un teatrino di periferia, tre attori mettono in scena una maldestra tragicommedia degli equivoci. Finché Yannick si alza dalla sua poltrona e interrompe lo spettacolo. Non è disposto a subire ancora questa tortura, adesso le cose si faranno a modo suo. A costo di prendere in ostaggio l’intera platea… Dal folle genio di Quentin Dupieux (Due uomini e una mosca, Incredibile ma vero), una storia di quotidiana ribellione appassionante quanto divertente, un gioco delizioso capace di sorprendere e arrivare a profondità umane inaspettate.
Data di uscita
ago 02, 2023
01h 07m
Disponibile in streaming su

In un teatrino di periferia, tre attori mettono in scena una maldestra tragicommedia degli equivoci. Finché Yannick si alza dalla sua poltrona e interrompe lo spettacolo. Non è disposto a subire ancora questa tortura, adesso le cose si faranno a modo suo. A costo di prendere in ostaggio l’intera platea… Dal folle genio di Quentin Dupieux (Due uomini e una mosca, Incredibile ma vero), una storia di quotidiana ribellione appassionante quanto divertente, un gioco delizioso capace di sorprendere e arrivare a profondità umane inaspettate.

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Cane rabbioso

Dog and Mirales have been friends since childhood, and live in a small village in the south of France. They spend most of the day hanging around in the streets. To kill time, Mirales has got into the habit of teasing Dog, to the extent that he has become a sort of whipping boy. But one summer, Dog meets Elsa, and they fall in love. Eaten away with jealousy, Mirales will have to get over his past to be able to grow and find his place…
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Sandra, Samuel e il loro figlio ipovedente Daniel vivono da un anno in una remota località di montagna. Quando Samuel viene trovato morto fuori casa, viene aperta un'indagine per morte in circostanze sospette. Nell'incertezza, Sandra viene incriminata: è stato un suicidio o un omicidio? Un anno dopo Daniel assiste al processo della madre, una vera e propria dissezione del rapporto tra i genitori.
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Anatomia di una caduta


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New Beginnings

Alain and Diane have been together for 30 years. In his mind, Alain is still 30 years old. But the equation 30 years of routine feelings, empty nest (and incidentally a job where being 50 is like an incurable disease) creates a much less euphoric effect for Diane. She oscillates between depression and free fall - and the first one who says "hormonal" she smokes. Alain loves Diane like crazy and love is proof. He's going to do something crazy for her, something to make her feel vital again, to make her heart beat and youthfulness pulsate. The crazy thing? Leave her. The risk with electroshock ? Unknown: either it wakes up or it burns. They will take it, with their eyes closed.
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La bestia nella giungla

The club as a place of endless (im)possibilities. A man and a woman wait here together for 25 years for a mysterious, all-changing event to occur. From 1979 to 2004: from disco to techno. A love story and an obsession.
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Il libro delle soluzioni

Marc, estroso e impulsivo, per terminare il suo nuovo film si rifugia con un manipolo di fedelissimi a casa di sua zia, in uno sperduto villaggio nelle Cevennes. Ma qui, la sua creatività esplode in mille direzioni diverse, gettando la lavorazione nel caos. Per fronteggiare la situazione, Marc inizia a comporre Il libro delle soluzioni, un manuale che raccolga le soluzioni a tutti i problemi del mondo…
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Ricomincio da me


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Not less than 3 men and 40 animals were found dead on the Breton beaches. The identity of the killer is an open secret: green algae. Inès Léraud is still a young journalist when, driven by an ecological conscience, she decides to go to Brittany to investigate this phenomenon. Through her encounters with whistleblowers, scientists, farmers and politicians, she elucidates, not without difficulty, half a century of silence: samples that disappear in laboratories, bodies buried before being autopsied, influence games, pressure... Will the truth win?
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The Path of Excellence

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No Love Lost

Étienne is barely twenty when he falls in love with Valérie. They are hardly any more when their daughter Rosa is born. And then, one day, Valérie leaves and never returns. He chooses not to make a drama of it and builds a happy life for him and his child. Sixteen years later, when Rosa is about to lead her own life, Étienne recognizes his wife in a television report. The past brutally resurfaces, and father and daughter are propelled into one last chaotic family journey.
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No Love Lost


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A quartet of Parisians embark upon a guided hike in Corsica and end up working through the sometimes comical chaos of their individual lives while becoming lost and contending with such obstacles as bad weather and aching bodies. Both of the female hikers are seeking love, though one of them is involved with their married guide and tries to push him into getting a divorce. The other, a former actress, simply wants the perfect mate. Neither of the two male hikers, one who is involved with an Australian and the other is in love with making money, qualify for her affections.
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Bâtiment 5

A local activist and a budding young mayor clash over the best path forward for their impoverished suburb.
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Bâtiment 5


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Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée

Sébastien, a conscientious and professional train inspector, dreams of being transferred to the South of France. To validate his transfer, he has to make one last routine run under the supervision of Madeleine, a slightly sociopathic inspector who won't let him go. That's when everything goes wrong: between a driver who thinks he's driving a fighter jet, a jealous colleague and passengers who are each crazier than the last, what was supposed to be a formality turns into the worst trip of his life.
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Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée


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Paint it Gold

Willing to risk it all, an unscrupulous art dealer and his socially-awkward painter and longtime friend develop an extreme and ludicrous plan to save themselves.
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Paint it Gold


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Le ravissement - Rapita

Lydia, a midwife very invested in her work, is in the middle of a breakup. At the same time, her best friend, Salomé, announces to her that she is pregnant and asks her to follow her pregnancy. The day Lydia meets Milos, a one-night stand, while she is holding her friend's baby in her arms, she sinks into a lie, at the risk of losing everything.
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Le ravissement - Rapita


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Mr. Blake At Your Service!

Since his wife's death, Andrew Blake is depressed. In an ultimate impetus, he leaves London to go back to France, in the house he met her. This journey through happy days memories won't go as planned.
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Mr. Blake At Your Service!


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The Takeover

Cédric works in a company specialized in precision mechanics. Its management, run by an investment fund, is disastrous. As another fund is about to buy it again, Cédric decides to take the company over, giving it to the employees.
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The Takeover


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Ma Loute

Estate 1910. Diversi turisti scompaiono mentre si rilassano sulle splendide spiagge sulla costa della Manica. Gli ispettori Machin e Malfoy si occupano del caso e presto individuano come epicentro delle sparizioni la baia di Slack, un posto dove l'omonimo fiume e il mare si congiungono e che è spesso soggetto a maree. Nella zona vive una piccola comunità di pescatori e di allevatori di ostriche, come la famiglia Bréfort, che è composta da un numero cospicuo di figli, tra cui l'impetuoso diciottenne Ma Loute, ed è guidata dal padre, soprannominato "l'Eterno". Al di sopra della baia, sorge inoltre la villa dei Van Peteghem, dove ogni estate gli un tempo ricchi padroni trascorrono le loro giornate. Nell'arco di cinque giorni, ha origine una storia d'amore molto particolare tra Ma Loute e Billie Van Peteghem, un legame destinato a scuotere entrambe le famiglie, le loro convinzioni e i loro stili di vita.
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Ma Loute


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The Three Musketeers

France is in turmoil and a new, naive King finds himself manipulated by the evil Cardinal Richelieu. With a corrupt commander of the royal guard by his side the Cardinal employs the expertise of the devious and wicked Milady de Winter in a plot to bring down the monarchy and drag the country into war. As France burns the Cardinal will take control. All that stands between them and victory are the remnants of an elite group who wore loyalty to crown and country. Above all else The Musketeers will stand against the odds to foil this deadly plot.
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The Three Musketeers


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Phantom Boy

Un misterioso gangster sfigurato ferisce Alex, un ispettore di polizia che ha iniziato a seguirlo. Immobilizzato in ospedale, Alex diviene amico di Léo, un undicenne con la capacità di uscire dal proprio corpo. Come un fantasma, Léo diventa invisibile a tutti, vola e passa attraverso i muri.
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Phantom Boy


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Love Life

La vita di Taeko scorre tranquilla accanto al marito e al figlioletto Keita finché un evento drammatico segna il ritorno del padre biologico del bambino, di cui la donna non aveva notizie da anni.
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Love Life


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Madame Hofmann

"Welcome to my life", Sylvie Hofmann repeats this sentence almost all day long. Sylvie has been a nurse for 40 years at the North Hospital of Marseille. Her life is running. Between patients, her sick mother, her husband and her daughter, she has always devoted her life to helping others. What if she decided to think a little about herself? To retire? Does she have the right, but above all, does she really want to?
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Madame Hofmann


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The Peace and Love Process

Marie and Simon, a couple with two children, are deeply in love despite constant fights in their paired life. To save their marriage, they come up with a chart of Ten Rules to seek love and peace.
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The Peace and Love Process


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Giorno di festa

La quiete del villaggio di Saint Sévère viene sconvollta per la giornata di festa. Vengono montate giostre e tiro a segno e un tendone per proiettare un film. Tutti gli abitanti preparano gli abiti "buoni". Il postino François, che ha appena visto un documentario sull'efficenza delle poste negli Stati Uniti, si lancia con la sua bicicletta in inseguimenti spericolati. Tra le burle dei compaesani, finisce in una corsa ciclistica e ha altre disavventure finchè la sua bici se ne andrà da sola come dotata di vita autonoma e lui concluderà che l'efficienza statunitense non si adatta alla campagna francese.
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Giorno di festa


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A Family

Award-winning French writer Christine Angot goes on a business trip to Strasbourg where her father lived before dying several years ago. It is the city where she met him for the first time at the age of 13, and where he sexually abused her over the following years. His wife and children still live there. Angot takes a camera and knocks on the doors of her family to push them to clarify their attitudes to her father’s crime that stretched over so many years. A cinematographic journey that challenges social norms and family perspectives in dealing with incest.
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A Family


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Oh My Goodness!

Five nuns set their sights on winning the cash prize in a major cycling race to raise money to renovate a dilapidated hospice. The only hitch is that none of them can ride a bicycle.
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Oh My Goodness!


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Belle Époque

Nella Spagna del 1931, approfittando del disordine successivo alla caduta della monarchia, il giovane Fernando diserta dall'esercito e viene accolto da Manolo, un pittore che vive da solitario, diventandone amico. Quando le quattro figlie di Manolo vengono a passare una vacanza in casa del padre, Fernando ha, con l'approvazione del pittore, avventure amorose con tutte loro, per poi sposarne una.
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Belle Époque


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New Gods: Yang Jian

Fifteen hundred years after the war of gods, the heaven declined. Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, made a living by working as a catcher. One day, Yang Jian was ordered to hunt down a young man, his own nephew.
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New Gods: Yang Jian


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Le Principal

Sabri Lahlali, the assistant principal of a local high school, is ready to do anything to ensure that his son, who is about to take his high school diploma, has the ideal academic record. But he doesn't know how far his enterprise will take him.
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Le Principal


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Strada sbarrata

Come si svolge la vita in un quartiere dell'East Side di New York dove i ragazzi del popolo giocano per la strada a contatto con i gangster e i palazzi dei ricchi. Scritto da Lillian Hellman, è un sagace adattamento di un dramma (1935) di Sidney Kingsley dove, accanto ad attori famosi, c'è da ammirare la banda dei Dead End Kids, la fotografia di G. Toland e la brava C. Trevor. Girato interamente in studio con fondali dipinti. Questa accentuazione della sua dimensione teatrale diventa un espediente quasi brechtiano per comunicare che la storia in corso è rappresentativa di una vasta realtà.
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Strada sbarrata


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Made in China

François, un giovane asiatico di trent'anni, non torna in famiglia da 10 anni dopo una violenta lite con il padre Meng. Da allora ha sempre cercato di evitare domande sulle sue origini, fino a mentire per credere di essere stato adottato. Ma quando scopre che diventerà padre, si rende conto che dovrà riconnettersi con il suo passato e le sue origini. Spinto dalla sua compagna Sophie, decide di ricongiungersi con la sua famiglia e torna nel suo XIII distretto natale per annunciare la buona notizia, accompagnato dal suo migliore amico Bruno. François è accolto a braccia aperte dalla sua famiglia, ad eccezione del padre e del fratello minore. Il ritorno alla sua comunità non sarà così semplice.
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Made in China


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Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell

After a Vietnamese woman dies in a traffic accident in Saigon, her brother-in-law and her young son transport her body back to the former’s hometown in rural Vietnam, where they plan to give her a funeral.
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Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell


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Real Love

Forbach, East of France, today. Mario, a man without much ambition, except where love is concerned, is back to square one after his wife left home. He now must raise his two adolescent daughters by himself, while going through some sort of a teenage crisis of his own. 14-year-old Frida blames her father for their mother's leaving and she develops ambivalent feelings towards her new girlfriend. 17-year-old Niki will soon leave home. Until then, she lives the good life. Mario can't help but lose the women he loves. Yet they must all agree to let one another go.
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Real Love


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Le notti della luna piena

Louise vive con Remi ma coglie volentieri l'occasione di un "pied-à-terre" in cui stare a volte da sola. Ma, incontrato il giovane Bastien (in una notte di plenilunio), ha con lui una breve avventura. Poi Remi le confessa di avere un'amante, e Louise si ritrova veramente sola.
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Le notti della luna piena


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Nobody Else But You

The ambiguous suicide of a local beauty, weathergirl, cheese model, and Marilyn Monroe look-a-like finds an eager sleuth in David Rousseau, best-selling crime novelist. When Rousseau visits a remote Alps village for the reading of his friend's will he unwittingly, but irresistibly, gets caught in the tangled web of murder and small town politics in this off-beat mystery.
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Nobody Else But You


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One piece - Episodio di Rufy: Avventura sull'isola Hand

Quando Rufy e l'equipaggio furono attaccati da diverse navi da guerra della marina, furono costretti a usare Coup de Burst per scappare. Atterraggio su un'isola che l'equipaggio ha deciso di esplorare mentre vengono fatte alcune riparazioni. Dopo aver incontrato un artigiano della cera e aver appreso la verità dietro l'isola, Rufy offre il suo aiuto.
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One piece - Episodio di Rufy: Avventura sull'isola Hand


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When teenage Ibrahim lands his father with an unexpected debt, he resolves to do whatever it takes to make amends and gain his father’s respect.
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